Over 9000 Happy Customers

Natural fly protection that’s more than skin deep.

  • checkmark Chemical-free
  • checkmark Full-body coverage
  • checkmark With essential minerals
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“I used to have to keep a fly mask on my mare. Between her thin skin and her hatred for flies she was miserable without it but we also go through one a month because she’s so rough on them. I used this stuff for THREE DAYS and the flies were already staying away. The garlic smell is actually very strong and she loves it. Now I don’t use a mask at all and I don’t have to go spray her daily to protect her!

Over 9,000
happy customers
have spoken

Which Form Of Garlic Is Best?

what to look for

Ellipse Maximum Ellipse Medium
  • Ellipse Minimum
  • product

    Bioidentical Oil







    Bioactive compounds Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse
    Consistent compound levels Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse
    Strength and potency Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse
    Stable shelf life Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse Ellipse

    Great way to feed salt, makes it a sure thing they are getting what they need everyday. I have used the rocks and loose salt both. Great product! nutrients, or medications.


    Connie E.

    Why feed loose minerals?

    Are you feeding salt and minerals in loose form? You should be!

    Water is a horse’s most important nutrient!
    This loose salt, the crushed version of our trusted Redmond Rock,
    is mineral sea-salt-based with essential electrolytes that activate thirst signals and keep horses drinking.

    Nature balances the minerals, making them work together in beautiful harmony. And because they are in loose form, you can vary the daily amount horses receive, ensuring they get a complete dose of salt and stay hydrated.

    Trusted by ranchers
    and horse owners
    since 1958.

    Redmond started mining a unique and rich underground mineral deposit in 1958.

    Since the mine opened over six decades ago, humans, livestock, and wildlife have all benefited from Redmond’s natural sea salt and healing clay.

    In 2009, we launched Redmond Equine to officially expand our foundational mineral products to horses.

    Today, we are proud of our deep roots and organic origins. Mostly we are proud to provide natural products and encourage healthier horses and happier partnerships.


    At Redmond, we recognize Crushed with Garlic is an herbal product with a wide range of potential health benefits that have been studied in varying degrees As with any herbal supplement, it's a good idea to talk to your veterinarian before using Crushed with Garlic to ensure there won't be any negative interactions with other herbs, nutrients, or medications.


    Can I feed my horse too much garlic?

    The short answer is yes. If fed in large doses or for extended periods of time, garlic can cause Heinz body anemia in horses. It can happen quickly if a horse is snacking on wild garlic or onions in pastures, or slowly due to over-supplementing. The garlic amounts in Crushed with Garlic fall within the National Research Council’s recommended safety guidelines. Learn more here

    Does garlic cause anemia in horses?

    Heinz body anemia often comes up when discussing garlic use in horses. Feeding more than 0.4 grams per kilogram body weight of freeze-dried garlic has led to Heinz body anemia. That is the equivalent of feeding a 500-kilogram (1,100-pound) horse 200 or more grams per day, which is just under half a pound. That's a lot of garlic! While this amount could easily be consumed by horses eating wild garlic in pastures, it is unlikely you would give this amount on purpose. The garlic amounts in Crushed with Garlic fall within the National Research Council’s recommended safety guidelines.. Learn more here

    What is the difference in feeding my horse garlic bulbs, garlic powder, or Redmond garlic?

    The garlic oil in Crushed with Garlic is 12x more potent than powdered garlic. Redmond garlic is not a flavor, but rather a bioidentical oil with the same chemical structure and bioactive compounds as natural garlic. If you used dried garlic on your feed, it would cost 8-9x more to reach the same potency—and dosage accuracy would be incredibly hard to achieve. Learn more here

    Is Crushed with Garlic safe to use year-round?

    We do not recommend feeding horses garlic year-round. Follow Crushed with Garlic’s dosing instructions based on your horse’s size and use only during fly season (a maximum of 6 months consecutively). Learn more about when to cycle horses on and off Crushed with Garlic: Learn more here

    Can I use Crushed with Garlic at the same time as other Redmond products?

    We always recommend using Redmond Rock Crushed with Garlic in combination with Daily Gold Digestive Stress Relief. However, Crushed with Garlic should not be fed with Daily Red or any other loose salt supplements to avoid overconsumption of salt. Learn more here

    First time using Crushed with Garlic? Here's what you need to know!

    Start feeding Crushed with Garlic 2-3 weeks before fly season sets in for your location. Regular consumption will create an odor that pests stay away from, but it takes 2-3 weeks for that to happen. Feed daily to encourage hydration, deliver necessary minerals and electrolytes, and as a natural repellent for flies, mosquitoes, ticks, and other biting insects. Follow the recommended dose on the packaging. You can overfeed garlic, but if you follow the dosage instructions, your horse will be safe. Crushed with Garlic is not a pesticide, it is a repellent. Pests may still hover nearby, but horses will see more relief from flies landing on, biting, and irritating them.

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