
230 reviews

Daily Red

Fortified Loose Minerals for Horses

  • Support comprehensive hydration  
  • Balance with bioavailable sea minerals 
  • Improve vitality + performance 

Your horse deserves nutritional excellence and optimal hydration

Everyone wants gut stability for their horse

Daily Red is a mineral salt-based product line covering hydration, mineral balance, and fly and tick control.

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Why Do Horses Need Salt & Minerals?

Salt helps maintain the balance of all fluids. It is also vital for nerve and muscle function. Minerals play a role in every part of a horse’s well-being.


Assists Hydration + Fluid Balance 

Salt is essential for life! This critical nutrient stimulates horses to drink, supports comprehensive hydration, and helps maintain the balance of all fluids in the equine body.  


Supports Energy + Performance Selection

Salt is also vital for proper nerve and muscle function. It acts like a chemical battery powering nerve impulses and muscle contractions that allow horses to move fluidly and perform well. 


Enhanced Vitality + Well-being 

Minerals play a vital role in every part of a horse’s wellbeing. From maintaining bone structure, to hoof and coat health to regulating chemical processes, minerals are vital elements that must be continually replenished. 

Your horse deserves nutritional excellence and optimal hydration

Salt helps maintain the balance of all fluids. It is also vital for nerve and muscle function. Minerals play a role in every part of a horse’s well-being.

The Structure of Redmond Mineral Salt 


Hover/tap for more details

Redmond salt is geologically and structurally unique. Distinct characteristics give it one-of-a-kind flavor and health benefits that set it apart from other products. When you offer Daily Red, you feed your horse a mineral salt unlike any other on Earth. 


Pure NaCI

Unrefined sea salt that aids hydration and facilitates smooth nerve and muscle function. 


Utah Sourced 

Mined and shipped from Redmond's ancient and protected mineral deposit in Utah, USA. 


Full-Spectrum Minerals 

A complete array of balanced trace minerals in the same form and ratio nature created them. 

Why do we recommend loose salt in addition to free choice? 



Changes in exercise, weather, and stress affect the amount of essential salt and minerals your horse needs each day. That’s why many horses fall short of requirements if they’re relying solely on a lick. Feeding Redmond loose salt and providing a free-choice rock for additional needs ensures horses receive a daily supply of salt and minerals for optimal health and hydration. 

Salt options available for Horses
Redmond Salt
Himalayan Salt
Celtic Salt
Typical Mineral Salt
Typical White Salt
Source of Salt Mined underground rock salt from ancient seabed Mined underground rock salt from ancient seabed Evaporated ocean water from modern salt ponds Manufactured minerals Evaporated sea water or mined underground
Location of Salt Utah, USA Pakistan France Varies Varies
How many minerals? 60+ 80+ 60+ 7-10 2
Salt: Mineral Content 93% salt 7% minerals 98% salt 2% minerals Unknown Varies 100% salt
Nature Trace Electrolytes files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg
Available in Loose Form files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg
Available in Solid Rock files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg
Unrefined/No Additives files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg
Protected from Pollutants files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg
Single Traceable Source files/Vector_4.svg files/Vector_4.svg

When/Why choose Crushed vs

 Arrow right


Daiy Gold

Daily Red Crushed is great for horses with access to diverse grasses and open pasture who still need to fill in mineral gaps.


Daiy Gold

Daily Red Fortified benefits horses that are boarded or stabled, hard-working, nutritionally depleted, as well as pregnant mares and growing foals.

Nature-Made Horse Mineral Salt Supplements

Daily Red loose minerals are built and balanced by Mother Nature in perfect proportion. They provide your horse with a solid foundation to maximize health and performance.

Daily Red® Crushed™ - Mineral Supplement for Horses

Daily Red® Crushed™ - Mineral Supplement for Horses

Pouch (5 lb)

Daily Red® Fortified Garlic - Horse Vitamin & Mineral Supplement

Daily Red® Fortified Garlic - Horse Vitamin & Mineral Supplement

Pouch (5lb)

Daily Red® Fortified - Vitamin & Mineral Supplement For Horses

Daily Red® Fortified - Vitamin & Mineral Supplement For Horses

Pouch (5 lb)

Daily Red® Crushed™ Garlic - Mineral Supplement for Horses

Daily Red® Crushed™ Garlic - Mineral Supplement for Horses

Pouch (5lb)

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