Shareable affiliate code with 15% discount

Shareable affiliate code with 15% discount

10% commission on sales from your affiliate code

10% commission on sales from your affiliate code

Product education through monthly newsletters that help you add value to your audience

Product education through monthly newsletters that help you add value to your audience

Hands-on support to help you get the most from our program and products

Hands-on support to help you get the most from our program and products

Redmond athlete affiliate guidelines.


  • Use Redmond products in your barn/program.
  • Code must be used within 90 days of program acceptance.
  • Code will need to be used at least 10x per year to remain active.
  • Compete at 6 events per year and display a Redmond patch or banner.
  • Must be 18 years old and live in the contiguous United States.

"I want the horses I train to go home and win and for the owners to enjoy them. The owner’s success is a win for me. That's why I recommend Redmond products."

Aimee Williams

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