Daily Gold

Help Your Horse’s Gut Work Smarter, Not Harder.

  • Buffers Acid
  • Binds Toxins
  • Supports Gut Flora
  • Assists Comfort and Focus
  • Improves Body Condition

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What are the benefits of bentonite clay for horses?

Bentonite is an age-old healing clay with incredible curative properties. Bentonite forms when volcanic ash weathers and ages in seawater. Its layered honeycomb structure, alkalinity, and negative charge allow it to buffer acid, bind toxins in the horse digestive system, and optimize overall gut function. Redmond bentonite, sourced from an ancient deposit in Utah, USA, is the foundation of Daily Gold. It’s a natural and effective equine digestive supplement that helps your horse’s gut work smarter, not harder. 

Gut-Brain Connection

Happy Flora, Happy Aura

Daiy Gold

There are 100 million nerve cells along a horse's GI tract that directly interact with the brain.

Neurotransmitters carry messages between nerve cells. Balanced and healthy gut flora stimulate and generate production of happy neurotransmitters, including GABA and serotonin.

 Did you know?

These important neurotransmitters are produced in the gut

 GABA blocks fear, anxiety, and stress signals

 Serotonin is a mood booster that binds to receptors in the gut

 GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid)

Blocks fear, anxiety, and stress signals

 Did you know?

These important neurotransmitters are produced in the gut

 GABA blocks fear, anxiety, and stress signals

 Serotonin is a mood booster that binds to receptors in the gut


Mood booster that binds to receptors in the gut for fast-acting response

 Did you know?

These important neurotransmitters are produced in the gut

 GABA blocks fear, anxiety, and stress signals

 Serotonin is a mood booster that binds to receptors in the gut

Why Care About Mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites produced by fungi. These bad guys often exist undetected in feed and are a hidden threat to horse health. They quietly disrupt gut balance and, at high levels, cause disease and even death. Even low mycotoxin levels can negatively impact a horse’s digestive system. Daily Gold is a natural and effective way to bind and remove harmful toxins from your horse’s gut.


Damage gastrointestinal

Disrupt microbiome balance

Decrease nutrient breakdown
and absorption

Impede immune function

When/Why choose Pellets vs Powder

Which one should I choose?



Original Powder

Daily Gold Powder works great for most horses and is the more economical choice.



Alfalfa-based Pellet

We designed Daily Gold Pellets for picky horses or those not getting grain.

Daily Gold Frequently Asked Questions

What is Daily Gold?+
What Minerals Does My Horse Need If it is eating dirt?+
How long will one Pouch of Daily Gold Last one Horse?+
If I feed daily gold and other mineral supplements, am I over-supplementing?+
Can i use daily gold at the same time as other redmond products?+
Do i need to worry about my horse getting too much iron from daily gold?+
What does daily gold do for horses?+
First time using daily gold? here’s what you need to know.+

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