Elevate equine care with Redmond’s Daily Duo. Our foundational mineral supplements support core health through comprehensive hydration and improved gut performance. Learn how to customize your program in two simple steps.

Which mineral salt best fits my horse?

Year-Round Minerals

Daily Red


Product Features

Sea Salt marked
Trace Minerals marked
Hydration Aids marked
Added Vitamins marked
Fly Control marked

Horse Type

Performance marked
HardKeeper marked
EasyKeeper marked

Daily Red Fortified


Product Features

Sea Salt marked
Trace Minerals marked
Hydration Aids marked
Added Vitamins marked
Fly Control unmarked

Horse Type

Performance marked
HardKeeper marked
EasyKeeper unmarked

Daily Red Garlic


Product Features

Sea Salt marked
Trace Minerals marked
Hydration Aids marked
Added Vitamins marked
Fly Control unmarked

Horse Type

Performance marked
HardKeeper marked
EasyKeeper unmarked

Daily Red Fortified Garlic


Product Features

Sea Salt marked
Trace Minerals marked
Hydration Aids marked
Added Vitamins marked
Fly Control unmarked

Horse Type

Performance marked
HardKeeper marked
EasyKeeper unmarked

Year-Round Minerals

Year-Round Minerals

Daily Red


Daily Red Fortified


Summer Minerals

Daily Red Garlic


Daily Red Fortified Garlic


Product Features

Sea Salt marked marked marked marked
Trace Minerals marked marked marked marked
Hydration Aids marked marked marked marked
Added Vitamins marked marked
Fly Control marked marked

Horse Type

Performance marked marked
HardKeeper marked marked
EasyKeeper marked marked

When/Why choose Crushed vs

 Arrow right


Daiy Gold

Daily Red Crushed is great for horses with access to diverse grasses and open pasture who still need to fill in mineral gaps.


Daiy Gold

Daily Red Fortified benefits horses that are boarded or stabled, hard-working, nutritionally depleted, as well as pregnant mares and growing foals.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
Mary Harper
Bioidentical garlic

I loved this product and used it regularly for my nine horses until I realized they're using bioengineered garlic how sad....I used this salt bc I felt it was most natural but it isn't....:-(

Hello Mary! Thank you for sharing your feedback. We can see why you may be concerned about the bioidentical garlic we use. However, this form of garlic is actually a smarter, safer, and more effective choice for horses. It offers maximum bioactive compounds, consistent levels, strength, potency, and a more stable shelf life. I’ll send you a more detailed email soon to explain further. 😊 In the meantime, please feel free to check out this article https://blog.redmondequine.com/garlic-for-horses-which-form-is-best

Stacy Neef

The 2 horses that receive the garlic salt definitely have fewer flies than the 3 out in the pasture 24/7.

Hi Stacy! That’s wonderful news! It sounds like the Daily Red with garlic is really making a difference for your two horses. You might also consider offering the three pasture horses a free-choice option of Daily Red Crushed with Garlic so they can enjoy the same great benefits. We’re so grateful to nature for providing such effective and natural solutions! Thank you so much for sharing your experience, and please give all your horses an extra pat from us!

Audra Anarde
Daily Red fortified garlic

It has taken my horses a few days to get used to eating the salt but with some applesauce mixed in they are eating it now! I do think I am seeing less flies which is amazing!!

Hey Audra! It's great to hear that your horses are getting used to the Daily Red Fortified with Garlic. Mixing it with applesauce is a smart move—especially for pickier horses—until they get accustomed to the taste! And the decrease in flies is definitely a positive sign! We wish you continued success with your horses and a fly free summer


Really like this stuff

Hi Stacie! We're so glad to hear that you’re enjoying the Daily Red Fortified with Garlic! Wishing your horses a well-hydrated and fly-free summer 🐴💧

Cheryl Broeder
Awesome stuff

I’m a firm believer of the garlic salt!! My boy has no flies and the only thing flying around the poop is butterflies! Seriously! I will never go a summer without this! I have a new horse and same results as the last horse! Thank you for this wonderful product!

Hi Cheryl! Your delightful message had us giggling as we read that butterflies are the only bugs fluttering around your horses – exactly what we envisioned and hoped this product would do! We’re thrilled that you’ve embraced our Daily Red Fortified Garlic as your secret weapon against flies, and it’s clearly working wonders for your equine companions! The power of simple, natural solutions never ceases to amaze. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your journey! Here’s to many more butterfly-filled summers and blissfully fly-free days

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